Wings of Fire: The New World uses a claiming system so that you can protect your property. Others will not be able to modify blocks or open containers unless you give them permission to. This article will is intended to help you create and manage a claim.
Creating a claim
To create a claim, start by identifying the area you want to claim. You are given a limited number of claim blocks, and the number of which you possess can be checked with /gd player info
and hovering over the book in the GUI. The Remaining Blocks is the number of remaining claim blocks available to you. A claim's size in claim blocks is its area, X dimension times Z dimension. The Y dimension, up and down, is not accounted in the number of claim blocks a claim uses.
Choose one corner on the ground, and choose an opposite corner that is in the air. Use the /claim
command to enter claim mode. Right-click the block at the first corner. You will be told that one corner has been set. Right click the block at the opposite corner. You will be told that your claim has been created.
Because claims are three-dimensional, you may need to expand the top and bottom of your claim. This up-and-down variation does not affect the number of claim blocks the claim uses. You can use /expandclaim <amount> <direction>
to move a side of your claim outwards. Similarly, you can use /contractclaim <amount> <direction>
to move a side of your claim inwards.
Managing a claim
You can give other players varying levels of trust by standing inside your claim and executing /gd trust player <player> <type>
. Listed below are the levels you can grant; note that each level also includes those above it as well:
- None: Disallows a player from interacting with your claim.
- Accessor: Allows a player to interact with blocks.
- Resident: Allows a player to create subclaims/claims inside your claim. Residents can give accessor trust to other players to the claims they create inside your claim.
- Container: Allows a player to access inventories of containers (e.g. furnaces, chests, barrels, etc.)
- Builder: Allows a player to break and place blocks.
- Manager: Allows a player to give the above levels of trust to any other player.
You can see a list of all players you have trusted with /trustlist
. You can also use /gd trust player all <type>
to apply the permission to all players.